Nonverbal Cues to Help You in Meetings

What is not being said aloud in meetings matters.  For individuals with severe hearing loss, often more adept at catching nonverbal communication than their peers, picking up on these nuances of body language and facial expressions are the key to understanding the message. What’s Not Being Said This form of non-linguistic communication is central to Nonverbal Communication.  According to research, … Read More

Add an Annual Hearing Test To Your New Year’s Resolutions!

It’s a new year, it’s a new day, and for many of us that means making resolutions that improve our lives. Instead of simply resolving to work out more, eating healthier, or learning a new skill, why not add a resolution that will directly impact our health: test your hearing. Believe it or not, many of us may have unhealthy … Read More

Understanding the Degrees of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be caused by many different factors, from genetics to the natural process of aging to exposure to sudden or prolonged loud sounds. At the same time, hearing loss does not affect all people in the same ways. Hearing health professionals have therefore devised ways of testing hearing loss and ways of measuring the levels of hearing loss … Read More

Great Things to Hear This Holiday Season in West Michigan

West Michigan is getting into the full swing of the holiday season, and there are all sorts of great things to see, smell and hear. Comprehensive Ear & Hearing is here to help you connect with the sounds of the holidays! Here is a selection of great things to hear in West Michigan this holiday season. Deck the Halls Dec. … Read More

November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

“It’s the most wonderful time of year,” crooned Andy Williams about the holiday season. For many, it is exactly that. The thought of family get-togethers, friends and family catch-ups and plates of rich food is hard to contain. But for others, the season is less appealing. Untreated hearing loss can make it exhausting to keep up with dinner table conversations … Read More

A New App Helps People with Hearing Loss Travel

If you could go anywhere, where would you go? For many people with hearing loss, where you want to go often doesn’t aligned with where you feel you can go. Managing a disability, especially an invisible issue like hearing loss can make travelling somewhere unfamiliar become a daunting prospect rather than an exciting adventure. Now, a new app is trying … Read More

As an Invisible Disability, Hearing Loss Often Goes Ignored 

Hearing loss is a huge health issue in the U.S. but often people facing hearing challenges choose to ignore the issue rather than confronting it. Although hearing loss takes an obvious toll on our quality of life, mental health, and physical well-being, hearing loss is mostly regarded as invisible and ignorable. Hearing loss is not helped by the fact that … Read More

Storytelling May Help Elderly Patients

For years, doctors have known that hospital stays can lead to severe, temporary cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients, who are at risk of developing delirium once hospitalized. A patient with delirium is often incoherent, confused and disoriented, but symptoms come and go making this condition hard to diagnose. The risk is higher for patients with dementia, but even elderly patients … Read More

How Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Brain Function

How Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Brain Function

It’s not just about being able to hear the doorbell or keep up with conversation at a dinner party. Recent studies suggest that your decision to treat–or not treat–your hearing loss could have a lasting effect on the way your brain functions. The scientific community is learning more about the strong link between hearing loss, Alzheimer’s and other forms of … Read More

Can Hearing Aids Be “Stylish”?  

Can Hearing Aids Be _Stylish

Throughout their history, hearing aids have helped people with hearing loss achieve their most ambitious goals. But seldom have they been cited as assisting their wearer reach their style goal. Traditionally, hearing aids have fallen into two camps: older hearing aids which tended to be obtrusive and ugly and newer hearing aids which tend towards discreet, barely-noticeable designs. With a … Read More