Beat the Summer Heat: Protecting Your Hearing Aids

Summer is a fantastic time to explore new places and reconnect with loved ones. A little extra planning can ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip for hearing aid users. Here are some tips to help you protect your hearing aids and maximize your experience. Pre-Travel Prep Hearing Aid Checkup: Before you leave, schedule a routine maintenance check with our professionals … Read More

Protect Your Ears This Fireworks Season

Ah, fireworks! They light up the night sky with dazzling displays, a perfect accompaniment to summer celebrations. But behind the beauty lies a potential danger – loud noises that can damage your hearing. As hearing care professionals, we see many patients who experience hearing loss caused by noise exposure. While it’s often associated with long-term exposure to loud environments like … Read More

A Silent Threat: How Earbuds are Damaging our Hearing

Our ears used to be tuned into the whispers of nature – the rustling leaves signaling prey, the approaching predator’s growl, the distant storm’s rumble. Survival depended on it! Fast forward to today, and our auditory world is a cacophony. Traffic, sirens, construction, and even restaurants and concerts bombard us with noise. But a sneaky culprit lurks closer than you … Read More

The Gift of Hearing: Transforming Lives, One Sound at a Time

At Comprehensive Ear & Hearing of Zeeland, we hold a fundamental belief: hearing is a right, not a privilege. That’s why we’re proud to partner with the Detter Foundation to create the Hear for Life Foundation. Bridging the Gap Between Silence and Connection Millions of Americans experience the world in a muffled way – conversations are distant, laughter faint. This … Read More

Keeping Everyone Safe: Smoke Detectors for the Hearing Impaired

Smoke detectors are essential for protecting your home and family from fire hazards. But what if you or someone you live with is deaf or hard of hearing? Standard smoke alarms that rely on loud beeps may not be sufficient to wake you in an emergency. The good news is there are a variety of smoke detector options available to … Read More

Hearing Aid Technology: The Latest Innovations for a Sharper You

The world of hearing aids is constantly evolving, and this year’s CES (Consumer Electronics Show) was no exception. At Comprehensive Ear & Hearing, we’re excited about the innovative features that hearing aid manufacturers are developing to address common hearing challenges and improve your overall listening experience. Here’s a glimpse into some of the latest advancements: Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Personalized … Read More

Pioneering Women Doctors in Audiology: Shaping the Future of Hearing Health

Collage of women art

March highlights National Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the profound contributions of women in various fields. Audiology, in particular, has been shaped by the remarkable contributions of many pioneering women. As we honor Women’s History Month,  our team recognizes the contributions of nine trailblazing women and their enduring impact on the profession. “With immense pride, I stand among … Read More

Thriving at Work: Tips for Managing Hearing Loss in the Workplace

For many of us with hearing loss, the workplace can present unique challenges. From navigating noisy environments to following conversations in meetings, communication can feel like an obstacle course. But fear not! Here are some tips and strategies to help you thrive in your professional world: Be Open and Advocate for Yourself: • Don’t be shy about informing your employer … Read More

For the Love of Hearing!

Woman putting hearing aid in ear

New Studies Show the Link Between Hearing Aid Use and Improved Cognitive Health. New Study Spotlights Hearing Aids in Fight Against Dementia. What do you want age 80 to look like? 70? Or 60? Too often, people assume that they cannot control what happens to their future selves and that certain things like dementia or hearing loss are simply part … Read More

Love Isn’t Deaf: Why February is the Perfect Time for a Hearing Test

Love Isn't Deaf!

Ah, February. The month of love, romance, and…hearing tests? Don’t scoff, because while roses and chocolates might be the traditional symbols, there’s a different kind of love that deserves attention this month: the love your partner has for your well-being. And sometimes, that love whispers in the form of a nudge towards a hearing test. Now, I know what you’re … Read More