Creating a Hearing-Loss-Friendly Home: A Guide to Comfort and Inclusion

Creating a Hearing-Loss-Friendly Home: A Guide to Comfort and Inclusion

Home is where the heart is, but it’s also where we want to feel safe, comfortable, and connected. If you or a loved one is living with hearing loss, you know that creating a hearing-loss-friendly home is essential for maintaining a high quality of life. Here are a few practical tips that can make your home a more inclusive and … Read More

Making Backyard Parties Hearing-Friendly: Tips for Hosts

Making Backyard Parties Hearing-Friendly: Tips for Hosts

If you’re one of the millions of people entertaining during the summer weather, it’s safe to guess that the backyard is the setting of your shindig. The fair weather allows us to expand outward and enjoy a natural setting, taking advantage of the balmy breeze.  Among your guests will certainly be one of the estimated 30 million Americans living with … Read More

Why People with Hearing Loss Still Need to Protect Their Hearing

Why People with Hearing Loss Still Need to Protect Their Hearing

It is not uncommon for people to have feelings of helplessness after receiving a diagnosis of hearing loss due to aging. The process of adjusting to the gradual loss of healthy hearing is a very emotional one and may be why the vast majority of people wait years, or even decades, before deciding to get treatment for their condition.  However, … Read More

Accommodating Loved Ones with Hearing Loss

Adult Woman With A Hearing Impairment Uses A Hearing Aid To Comm

Summertime is a great time of year to connect with the people in your life who you truly love. It’s the long warm hot days of swimming and time outside, ended by skies full of stars and firefly rich nights that help build strong connections even deeper. However, for your loved ones with hearing loss, you may have noticed that … Read More

How Excessive Alcohol Use Can Affect Your Hearing

How Excessive Alcohol Use Can Affect Your Hearing

We drink alcohol to celebrate, to release inhibitions and to relieve stress—however, it’s a delicate balance between celebration and one too many drinks. While some people can have a drink or two and call it a night, many have an allergic reaction, which manifests as an addiction. For alcoholics it is difficult to stop once you’ve had your first drink, … Read More

Watch Out for Dangerous Decibels in Exercise Classes

Watch Out for Dangerous Decibels in Exercise Classes

Do you have an exercise routine that you love?  Whether it’s swimming, running, yoga or a team sport, a regular exercise routine can not only keep you in shape but improve brain health, decrease the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, keep all functions of the body in better condition and improve your ability to do everyday activities.  When … Read More

Tips for Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Tips for Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Are you looking forward to trying hearing aids for the first time? If you’ve already been diagnosed with hearing loss, it can be a hard reality to accept, but the good news is that now you have the information to take action and seek treatment. The most common and effective treatment for hearing loss is hearing aids. These tiny electronic … Read More

How Air Pollution Can Contribute to Hearing Loss

Grandfather Carving As Multi Generation Family Sit Around Table

Everyone knows that loud noise can damage your hearing, however this isn’t the only risk to our ears we have to navigate in our daily lives. It’s important to understand other risks to hearing loss as well, in order to avoid some of the devastating consequences. Hearing loss is a permanent condition which not only affects our ability to follow … Read More

Hearing Loss among Millennials & Gen Z

Hearing Loss among Millennials & Gen Z

A common misconception is that hearing loss only affects older adults. While it is true that the risk of hearing loss increases significantly with age, we are at risk at any stage of life from birth and beyond. In fact, many experts are discovering higher rates of hearing loss in younger generations such as Millennials and Generation Z. Studies show … Read More

Nutrients That Boost Your Hearing Health

Nutrients That Boost Your Hearing Health

We are what we eat. Every dietary choice directly affects our health. Some effects you feel immediately such as the sensation of a perfectly balanced dish or the rush of chocolate as the caffeine and sugar hit our system giving us a short quick burst of energy. Other effects of food develop a little more subtly over time. If you … Read More